
The Magicians The television adaptation of the Magicians trilogy ran for five seasons on Syfy, from 2015 to 2020, where it was consistently one of the top-rated and most critically praised shows—the Atlantic called it “a fantastic binge-watch, an all-consuming experience,” and Wired called it “one of the best shows on TV.” Season 5 earned a coveted 100% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes! You can read more about it here and here.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things is a film I wrote based on one of my short stories. Map is about two teenagers trapped in a time loop together, and how they deal with it and each other. They’re at that moment where they’re not children anymore but they’re not adults yet either, and time feels like it’s standing still, but they know it’s about to move forward and they don’t know if they’re ready … It’s directed by Ian Samuels and stars Kathryn Newton and Kyle Allen. You can watch it on Amazon right here!